Interested in joining GPHI?
Recruitment 2024
Whether you're new to Columbia or just looking for a place to call home, Gamma Phi is an incredible sisterhood waiting to get to know you! Information for our next formal recruitment, Spring 2025, will be released in the fall! Join us in our formal spring recruitment as you search for a sisterhood to call your own! We will let you know once the dates are released!
Dates TBD!
Some years we do something called COB, Continuous Open Bidding, otherwise known as informal recruitment. For more information about COB events, check out our Instagram this spring! This is a great way to get connected if you're a spring admit, were abroad, or didn't go through formal recruitment.
See you then,
We are also meeting Potential New Members for Coffee Chats to chat about Recruitment. If you’re interested, email our MVP to schedule a chat.
We want to meet you! Reach out!
WHY Gamma Phi Beta?
I joined Gamma Phi Beta my freshman year because I wanted a community of ambitious, kind, and welcoming women to have in my life. I know that if I want to go check out a new museum gallery downtown or need a finals study buddy I can always count on my sisters in gphi. During recruitment it was so refreshing to talk to girls with different backgrounds and interests—I always left the gamma phi room having learned something new. This sorority has given me my best friends, career mentors and so much more and I know these friendships will last a lifetime.
- Roma, BC ‘23